When it comes to the things we love to hate, each of us has our own personal list. While some dreaded things will make most everyone’s list, like public speaking and okra, others are tied into our own personal history and associations they hold for us. Some, I know why I dislike them; others, well—I just do:
TV Political Ads: Obviously, there are no acceptable candidates for any race. They are either the mud slingers or the slingees. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Anyone who spends good money in this economy to trash an opponent will not get my vote. He/she can’t be trusted to govern in my best interest.
Cellphone Space Invaders: Why is it we never hear anything really interesting (like a hot stock tip or an impending holocaust) when someone decided to have his loud conversation right next to your ear? Do they really think we want to hear about how much they hate their mother-in-law, or the trouble they have finding shoes for the party? Zip it or go find a cave for your conversation.
Waldorf salad: This concoction of apples, nuts, and mayonnaise is generally liked by most people. For me, it is one of the few foods I just won’t eat, and I’m not really sure why. I know it has something to do with my childhood.
Mosquitoes: Okay, who loves the little critters? But many people are more indifferent to them than openly hostile. Mine has to do with the fact that mosquitoes just love me—for dinner. When other people are not touched or just checked out, I always seem to be the main course, and they get me in places hard to scratch—like my toes.
Scree: You have to be a hiker or mountain climber to appreciate this one. Scree is loose rock debris that can extend down a whole hillside or just the steep parts. If you are going up it, it’s like two steps up and one sliding step back. If you are coming down, you’re likely to do it on your tush—at least if you want to survive the descent.
Cart Parkers: Why is it that it never occurs to some shoppers to anticipate someone wanting to get by them as they park their carts in the exact middle of the aisle and proceed to read every food label in a section? Hello! People!
Serial Complainers: One of my dear friends and I have been walking partners for years, and we have one rule: We can whine for the first mile and then we have to fergettaboutit! No one likes to be around people who moan all the time. One of the best ways to have a happy life is to have a lot of friends. To have a lot of friends, we have to be someone they want to be around, and that means upbeat and positive, fun! So now I’ve had my rant and I’m moving on to cheerier things. You should, too.
Mary Jo is a freelance health writer who finds humor an essential companion on this rollercoaster of life. She gives humorous cancer survivor speeches, teaches Aging with Pizzazz seminars to promote senior activism; and fervently believes if we can get enough Baby Boomers involved, we can get the law of gravity repealed!
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